Guide to SCD, A (formally Collins)
Condition: New product
Manufacturer: RSCDS
This RSCDS book is intended as an introduction to Scottish Country Dances and includes a range of ballroom or so-called Ceilidh dances in addition to more traditional style country dances. Three CD's with music for a number of these dances are available in our range of recordings.
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Bees of Maggieknockater, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.188)
Belle of Bon Accord, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.191)
Blooms of Bon Accord, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.193)
Bluebell Polka, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.254)
Boston Two Step, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.255)
Britannia Two Step, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, N cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.256)
Broun's Reel*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 01/08)
Canadian Barn Dance, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.257)
Celtic Cross, The, Reel, square, 4x48, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.195)
Circassian Circle, Reel, round the room, Nx32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 01/03)
Circle Waltz, Waltz, circle, Nx32, N cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.258)
Clutha, Reel, square, 4x48, 4 cpls, (source: BK 31/02)
College Hornpipe, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 20/12)
Come Under My Plaidie, Jig, round the room, Nx32, 2 cpls, (source: Children 10)
Cumberland Reel, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: BK 01/11)
Curlywee, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.197)
Dashing White Sergeant, The*, Reel, round the room, Nx32, N cpls, (source: BK 03/02)
Deil amang the Tailors, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 14/07)
Double Eightsome Reel*, Reel, square, 1x464, 8 cpls, (source: BK 06/12)
Drops of Brandy*, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: BK 01/07)
Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x40, 3 cpls, (source: BK 39/07)
Duke of Atholl's Reel, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 16/03)
Duke of Perth*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 01/08)
Dunedin Festival Dance, The, Reel, round the room, Nx32, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.201)
Dunnet Head, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.203)
Earl of Mansfield, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x48, 4 cpls, (source: Leaflet 05)
Eightsome Reel, The, Reel, square, 1x464, 4 cpls, (source: BK 02/12)
Elephant Walk, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx8, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.259)
Eva Three Step, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.260)
Express, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x40, 3 cpls, (source: BK 20/11)
Fergus McIver*, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x48, 3 cpls, (source: BK 15/12)
Flowers of Edinburgh, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 01/06)
Foula Reel, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: BK 04/07)
Foursome Reel, Medley, other, 2x64, 2 cpls, (source: BK 03/11)
Foursome Reel, The (Traditional version), Medley, other, 1x136, 2 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.204)
Friendly Waltz, Waltz, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.261)
Gay Gordons, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.262)
General Stuart's Reel*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 10/03)
Glasgow Highlanders, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 02/03)
Good Hearted Glasgow, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.212)
Hamilton House, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 07/10)
Happy Meeting, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 29/09)
Haymakers, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x48, 4 cpls, (source: BK 02/11)
Hesitation Waltz, Waltz, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.263)
Highland Fair, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: Graded 06)
Highland Rambler, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x40, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.215)
Highland Schottische, Strathspey, round the room, Nx8, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.264)
Highland Welcome, A, Reel, round the room, Nx32, 2 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.217)
Highlandman's Umbrella, The, Reel, square, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.213)
Hooper's Jig, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: MMM 2/12)
Inverness Country Dance*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 02/04)
J. B. Milne, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.226)
Johnny Groat's House, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 18/01)
Kelvingrove Two Step, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.265)
La Russe, Reel, square, 4x64, 4 cpls, (source: MMM 1/30)
La Tempête*, Reel, other, Nx48, 4 cpls, (source: BK 02/01)
La Va, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx32, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.279)
Ladies' Fancy, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 13/12)
Lamb Skinnet, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 14/12)
Lambeth Walk, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.266)
Lea Rig, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 21/05)
Letham Ladies, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.219)
Linton Ploughman, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 05/06)
Lomond Waltz, Waltz, round the room, Nx32, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.267)
Lord MacLay's Reel, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.220)
Machine without Horses, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 12/12)
Mairi's Wedding, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x40, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.224)
Maxwell's Rant, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 18/10)
Middling, Thank You, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x40, 3 cpls, (source: BK 15/08)
Military Two Step, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.268)
Mississippi Dip, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.269)
Montgomeries' Rant, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 10/01)
Monymusk, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 11/02)
Mrs MacLeod, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 06/11)
Mrs MacPherson of Inveran, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.222)
My Love She's But a Lassie Yet, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 09/04)
Neidpath Castle, Strathspey, 3 cpls longwise, 3x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 22/09)
New Scotland Strathspey, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.228)
New Virginia Reel, The, Reel, square, 1x128, 4 cpls, (source: BK 39/03)
Palais Glide, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx8, N cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.271)
Pease Strae*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 01/08)
Petronella, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 01/01)
Postie's Jig, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.232)
Pride of Erin Waltz, Waltz, round the room, Nx32, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.272)
Prince of Wales, The*, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 03/01)
Reel of Tulloch, Reel, other, 1x128, 2 cpls, (source: BK 03/12)
Reel of the 51st Division, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 13/10)
Reel of the Royal Scots, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: Leaflet 27)
Robertson Rant, The, Strathspey, square, 1x80, 4 cpls, (source: BK 39/08)
Rothesay Rant, The, Jig, square, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.236)
Round Reel of Eight, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 1x88, 4 cpls, (source: BK 27/07)
Sailor, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 24/04)
Saint John River, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.237)
Scottish Reform*, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 03/01)
Seton's Ceilidh Band, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x64, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.239)
Sheena's Saunter, Ceilidh, circle, Nx32, N cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.274)
Shiftin' Bobbins, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.242)
Sixteensome Reel, Reel, square, 1x464, 8 cpls, (source: BK 06/12)
Social Swing, The, Ceilidh, other, Nx16, N cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.275)
Speed the Plough*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 02/04)
St Bernard's Waltz, Waltz, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.273)
Stern Polka, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx48, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.276)
Strip the Willow*, Jig, N cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: BK 01/07)
Suzuki Circle, The, Ceilidh, circle, Nx40, N cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.277)
Swedish Masquerade, Ceilidh, round the room, Nx48, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.278)
Thirtytwosome Reel, The, Reel, square, 1x464, 16 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.244)
Trip to Bavaria, A, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.249)
Triumph, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x24, 4 cpls, (source: BK 01/02)
Veleta, Waltz, round the room, Nx16, 1 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.280)
Virginia Reel, Reel, N cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.281)
Waltz Country Dance, Waltz, round the room, Nx40, 2 cpls, (source: BK 04/08)
Waverley*, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x48, 3 cpls, (source: BK 15/12)
West's Hornpipe, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 4x32, 4 cpls, (source: 5 for 1965..3)
White Cockade, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 05/11)
White Heather Jig, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 4x40, 4 cpls, (source: Collins Pocket Ref. P.251)
Wild Geese, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 24/03)