Book 25 CD
Condition: New product
Manufacturer: Alastair Hunter and the Lorne Scottish Dance Band
Alastair Hunter and the Lorne Scottish Dance Band
Available on special order
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Braes of Mellinish, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/12)
Bramble Bush, The, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/03)
Chapman, The, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/02)
Deacon of the Weavers, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/04)
Fête, The, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/01)
Graces, The*, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/10)
Haste to the Wedding, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/06)
Lady Of the Lake*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/08)
Miss Brown's Reel, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/05)
Miss Dumbreck, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/11)
Miss Isabella McLeod, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/07)
Saw ye my wee thing, Jig, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/09)
Three Bonnie Maidens, The*, Strathspey, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 3 cpls, (source: BK 25/10)
Water Kelpie, The*, Reel, 4 cpls longwise, 8x32, 2 cpls, (source: BK 25/08)