Paris Book of Scottish Country Dances Volume 3 (PDF), The
Manufacturer: Paris Branch
The third book from the Paris Branch timed to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the RSCDS Paris branch, founded in 1984!
90 Items Available
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4 | Théorème de Fermat | J40 | 3/4L | Ludovic Chêne | |
6 | Montorgueil Queen | R32 | 3/4L | Aliénor Latour | |
7 | The Partisan | S40 | 3/3L | Violaine Eysseric | |
8 | Cinq Without Trace | J32 | 5/5L | Colin Anderson | |
9 | Rosemonde in Normandy | R48 | 3/3L | Jean-Marc Dorenlot | |
10 | Two Men Dancing | S32 | 2/3L | Aymeric Fromherz | |
12 | Le Béret Rose | J32 | 3/4L | Aliénor Latour | |
13 | Where is my Fiddle? | M64 | 3/3L | Anne Lanvin & Victor Lanvin | |
14 | Thank you George | S32 | 4/4L | Jean-Marc Dorenlot | |
15 | Emmy's Wedding | R40 | 4/4L | Emmy Wilkinson & Matt Dunn | |
16 | A Jig for Tom or 21 in Celsius | J40 | 3/4L | Sylvie Horne & Bénédicte Bascle | |
17 | Encore en corps | S32 | 3/4L | Colin Anderson | |
18 | A Contra Dance Weekend in Normandy | M64 | 4S | Violaine Eysseric | |
19 | Lose Yourself to Dance | S32 | 3/3L | Nicolas "Niols" Jeannerod | |
20 | Chase Halfway in Brittany | J40 | 4/4L | Marie-Laure Barret | |
21 | Aurores Boréales | R40 | 3/4L | Mathilde Notin |