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!0 tracks by Marian Anderson’s Scottish Dance Band for dances in the free-to-download publication from 2021, plus two for Home to Whitsome (Lucy Mulholland) and Glenoe (Daphne Jones).
A new CD to accompany the book of dances by Sheila Trafford written to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Newcastle Upon Tyne & District Branch. There are 8 tracks by Marian Anderson's Band and 8 tracks by Iain MacPhail's Band
Marian Anderson CD, produced to accompany Gaye Collin's third book of dances called The Musicians' Wedding. There are 15 tracks on the CD, which includes a Warm-up March and finishes with Alex Hodgson singing Caledonia. The accompanying book is available for £7 or £18 the set.
Marian Anderson's Scottish Dance Band The accompanying book will also be avialable for £7 or £18 the set.
The Dance Book contains 16 new dances and sheet music for 8 original tunes. The CD, by Marian Anderson’s Scottish Dance Band (£13), has 15 tracks to accompany the new dances, plus a bonus track “Staircase in Styria” for which the instructions and sheet music are in the CD booklet, plus a short polka followed by Alex Hodgson singing Auld Lang Syne. Buy the...
The CD, by Marian Anderson’s Scottish Dance Band, has 15 tracks to accompany the Sunday Book 3 (£5). Track 3 is suitable for 2 different dances, plus a bonus track “Staircase in Styria” for which the instructions and sheet music are in the CD booklet, plus a short polka followed by Alex Hodgson singing Auld Lang Syne. Buy the set for £15 and save £3.
Marian Anderson's Scottish Dance Band Re-released after being unavailable for several year.
Marian Anderson and her Band https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Marian_Anderson_and_her_Band_RSCDS_Book_42?id=Bu37gfqhf2cl226a7wktgcaszci https://play.spotify.com/album/1iwX9hxxc1inOcvXvdIXiD http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rscds-Book-Marian-Anderson-Band/dp/B013F5RC3Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1439457758&sr=8-1&keywords=RSCDS+BOOK+42
Marian Anderson and her Band The instructions and tunes for these dance can be found RSCDS WA publications and dances
Marian Anderson and her Band
Marian Anderson and her Band
Marian Anderson and her Band