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25 dances to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Chicago Branch. This book includes dances written by Chicago dancers through the years, and many dances written especially for the 25th anniversary both by local dancers and by friends from other nearby branches.
31 dances to mark the 40th Anniversary of the Chicago Branch. This book includes dances written by Chicago dancers through the years, and many dances written especially for the 40th anniversary both by local dancers and by friends from other nearby branches.
25 dances to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Chicago Branch. This book includes dances written by Chicago dancers through the years, and many dances written especially for the 25th anniversary both by local dancers and by friends from other nearby branches.
Now available as a PDF. This book of dances, mostly by Mary Brandon, The Emigrant Scot Book has been re-produced and there is now an accompanying CD by Kana Otake (Fiddle) and Fumitaka Saito (Recorder, Bird Flageolet).
20 dances devised by Holly Boyd published in 2020. There is no sheet music in this book.
20 dances devised by Holly Boyd published in 2020. There is no sheet music in this book.
The New World Scottish Dancers Collection, Volume 2 - Country Dances - A new collection of 19 Scottish Country Dances of various levels, created by or for members of the New World Scottish Dancers. Also included are 8 tunes composed by Steve Wyrick for members of the New World Scottish Dancers.
The New World Scottish Dancers Collection, Volume 2 - Country Dances - A new collection of 19 Scottish Country Dances of various levels, created by or for members of the New World Scottish Dancers. Also included are 8 tunes composed by Steve Wyrick for members of the New World Scottish Dancers.
10 dances devised by Holly Boyd, now reprinted as an A4 booklet. Now avaialbe as a PDF
10 dances published by Montréal Branch RSCDS to celebrate their 60th Anniversary. The book comes with a CD by Laura Risk and Nicholas Williams with music for all 10 dances in the book. Laura and Nick wrote the lead tunes for 7 of the dances and Nick wrote a waltz. All sheet music is in the book as is the CD.
A Collection of 25 Scottish Country Dances devised by Sue McKinnell. The thrid book in a collection of three Cat Collection books. £4 each or £10 for the collection.
A Collection of 25 Scottish Country Dances devised by Sue McKinnell. The second book in a collection of three Cat Collection books. £4 each or £10 for the collection.