Leeds Branch Silver Jubilee CD
Condition: New product
While Muriel & Bill Zobel were sorting through their archives and found the master tape of this cassette: Ten Scottish Country Dances for the Branch Silver Jubilee played by Bobby Crowe quartet 1987. This recording is a great example of Bobby's style and quality of playing and to prevent this loss the tracks have been remastered on to this CD. Buy the PDF of the accompanying book for £1
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The Bobby Crowe Quartet - Bobby Crowe (Accordion), Ron Kerr (Fiddle), Muriel Johnstone (Piano) and Ron Currie (Bass)
- The Highland Rambler
- The Rose of the North
- The Travelling Men
- Loch Linnhe
- The Marchioness of Hartington's Jig
- The Weathercock
- West Park
- The Tocher Band
- The Marquess of Hartington's Strathspey
- The Porridge Bowl
The PDF of the accompanying book can be bought for £1 with this CD.